About Me

Animals have always played a pivotal role in my life.

Hello, I’m Julie Gilbert-Binns.

Throughout my life, animals have shaped my path and guided me with their wisdom. From my first dog who nurtured me through a challenging childhood, animals have been my protectors, teachers and companions, helping me to navigate the joys and sorrows of life. It is my privilege to share the insights these experiences have offered.

I qualified as an Equine Guided Learning (EGL) Practitioner through LEAP. Prior to this, I completed a  number of workshops to explore different approaches to Equine Guided Learning. These included EponaQuest and EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association). I also have first-hand experience of the power of equine-based psychotherapy from a client’s perspective.

My role as a therapist is to support you through your journey. I work alongside two insightful and distinctive rescue ponies from Redwings Horse Sanctuary. By facilitating interactions with the ponies, I can help you to gain greater self-awareness and promote healing. Being outdoors also provides a space for us to connect with the natural environment.



As a BACP registered Counsellor I am committed to ethical practice and continued professional development. My interest in alternative approaches to healing has led me to study eco-psychology and qualify as a Reiki practitioner. I am also an Animal Communicator and I combine this experience to inform my work, helping humans and animals to heal.

Services offered

Therapy with Horses is located in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Monmouthshire provides the ideal base for us to expand the experience and offer a wider range of services. These include ecotherapy and integrated outdoor therapeutic practices. In addition to room-based therapy, we also offer walk-and-talk therapy, which can be combined with equine therapy.

Want to Know More?

If you would like to find out more, or just keep up to date with any aspect of the Therapy with Horses service, send me an email or call on 07554 255906

© Therapy with Horses 2020

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