Greetings everyone.

I hope that you are beginning to feel the sense of reawakening  and renewal that comes with the long-awaited arrival of spring.

We were blessed with clear skies and some welcome sunshine at our Circle of Connection this month. We focused on what we would like to envisage for the months to come and what was needed to help us realise our intentions. It was an opportunity to reflect on the importance of slowing down, staying grounded and working with what each day brings. Macaroon and Biscotti helped to offer clarity and encouragement that the right steps were being taken.

Spring Equinox Celebration: Wednesday 20 March 10:00 – 12:00

I am excited to announce that I will be running an event to celebrate Spring Equinox.  This special day heralds the official start of the season of fertility and is a time to hatch what we have incubated over the winter. The longer days and warmer temperatures can help to raise our energy in alignment with the earth coming alive once again.

We will create a shrine in honour of Spring and affirm our intentions, before exploring the power of intention through a structured activity with the ponies. This will be a small group, to allow focused time for each participant and is limited to 4 places. The cost will be £45 per person, which includes materials and light refreshments. If you would like to join us, please contact me to reserve your place:

Building Resilience

I will be identifying an area of mental health to focus on each month, offering some coping tools and insights via my social media sites. Depending on interest, I will also offer small workshops to support individuals who wish to work on building their resilience so that when life’s hurdles come your way, you can navigate them without becoming overwhelmed. Please register your interest if this appeals to you.

I welcome your input and suggestions and am grateful to all of you who continue to support our Facebook and Instagram pages and share in the wonders and wisdom of equines and Mother Nature.

Warm wishes,

Julie, Macaroon and Biscotti